“Goblin Mode”: A New Term for an Old Bad Habit
“Goblin Mode”: A New Term for an Old Bad Habit A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Every year the Oxford Dictionary editors consider what new words ought to be added to their dictionary. This year 300,000 people voted to choose the new word, and...
My Sister Jessie Is with Jesus
My Sister Jessie Is with Jesus Elizabeth Rice Handford shares comfort in mourning Photo by Tom Kilpatrick It’s hard for me to tell you I lost my sister and dear friend this week. I was tempted simply to choose a Scripture about Heaven with you,...
There’s Always a Gateway of Hope in the Valley of Trouble
Thinking about the New Year with Elizabeth Rice Handford Every New Year’s Eve my father, a pastor, encouraged the church family to make some fresh decisions, new choices, about how we’d change things in our lives in the new year. For several years, I remember, when I...
The Day After Christmas;Was It the Most Wonderful Christmas Ever?
A Word of Encouragement with Elizabeth Rice Handford Christmas 1945, all the newspapers said, was the most wonderful Christmas ever! If you’d been living then, you’d have thought so, too. Our dear country had been fighting ruthless enemies for four unending years....
The Delighted Father Throws a Reveal-the-Baby’s-Name Party
Elizabeth Rice Handford asks, “Why was Jesus’ name so important?” This was no ordinary Baby. His birth had been planned literally before time began. But the news was so awesome, the Father couldn’t help but reveal His name 700 years before the Child would be born. His...
What If You’d Never Heard about Christmas?
A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford What if you had never ever heard about Christmas? What if you’d never seen a Bible? What if you didn’t know the precious, familiar story that Jesus, God’s only Son, came to earth just so He could bring us to God?...
Today Is a Good and Cold Rainy Day
A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford It’s a cold, bleak rainy December morning, and I’m staring out the window. I’m trying to motivate myself to start doing the “eleventeen” things I need to accomplish today. But the sky is so gray, the cold...
What Happened to the Six-Pack in the Fridge?
A Gentle Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford “Endgate! This is endgate!” Ben greeted Walt, his pastor, at the door, waving a beer bottle. “This is the last drink I’ll ever take, I promise,” he said tearfully. The poor man’s wife had called us because her...
What Does Ebenezer Have to Do with Thanksgiving?
A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Ebenezer? Ebenezer who? If it were Christmas, you’d understand my talking about Ebenezer Scrooge. He’s the stingy boss in Dickens’ story, “A Christmas Carol.” He’s that scowling misfit who mutters “Humbug!” until...
When It Rains, It Pours
A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Last week, I found myself thinking, “When it rains, it pours.” I was beset by all kinds of problems. I needed a new house cleaner. A pipe broke in my bathroom; another in my sprinkler system. The roof over the guest...