A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford

“It’s easy for you to be a good Christian, Libby,” a friend once said to me. “You grew up in a
Christian home, and your parents were good Christians.”

“You’re right, Anna. You know how grateful I am for my godly heritage.”

“But I grew up in a really really bad home. My dad was a drunkard like his dad. My brothers
abused me sexually, and Mother knew it and didn’t stop them. It’s no wonder I have a hard time
trusting God and resisting temptation. My grandparents were bad, so my parents were bad, and so it’s
easy for me to make bad decisions. My children are doomed, too. It’s a vicious cycle.”

I looked at her compassionately and kindly. “No, dear Anna. It’s time, in your generation, to
break that vicious cycle. You can do it with God’s help, I promise you.”When Anna and her husband realized they didn’t have to stay trapped in that cycle of evil, they
took heart. They set out to give their children a godly home. Now their children are raising their
children in the love and mercy of God.

There’s no doubt Anna had a turbulent and frightening childhood, and I don’t minimize the
difficulties of breaking a terrible inheritance of evil. But she came to realize God could not, would not,
punish her for the decisions her parents had made. She had His promise of help to break the cycle.

There is no doubt a child born into an ungodly home is affected by a parent’s sins. When God
gave the ten commandments, He plainly said, in Exodus 20:3-6, that He is a jealous God, “visiting the
iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but
showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.”
When the Israelites were suffering in captivity, they accused God of punishing them for what
their parents had done wrong. God answered them, in Ezekiel 18:2-4,

“What do you mean by using this proverb concerning the land of Israel,
saying, ‘The fathers eat the sour grapes, But the children’s teeth are set on edge’?
[“Set on edge” means “puckered,” like your mouth feels when you bite into a lemon.]
As I live,” says the Lord GOD, “you shall no longer use this proverb in Israel.
Behold, all souls are Mine; The soul of the father As well as the soul of the son is
Mine; The soul who sins shall die.”

When Anna and her husband realized they were not doomed to repeat their parents’ evil ways,
they began to develop an intimate and sustained relationship with the Lord Jesus. Day by day, patiently
and earnestly they devoured God’s Word and shared it with their children. God had promised He would
help them, and He did. Now their children are raising their children to follow in their parent’s godly
footsteps. God kept His promise to help them, as He promises to help you.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you.
I will help you.
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. . . .

I am holding you by your right hand—
I, the LORD your God.
And I say to you,
“Do not be afraid. I am here to help you.” Isaiah 41:10.13
Have your felt the bondage of a difficult family background? Take heart, dear friend. No one is
doomed to failure because of someone else’s sin. You can break the vicious cycle by patiently and
passionately following God’s Word. And because God keeps His promises, your children will be
blessed as well.