by Marilou Lyons | Nov 15, 2023 | 2023, Devotionals
A Word of Gratitude from Elizabeth Rice Handford Back in 2006, Joy Martin’s daughter, Marilou Lyons, asked me if she could reproduce on the JCM website the devotionals I write each week for Greenville SC Interim Health Care. So for the last 17 years I’ve been writing...
by Marilou Lyons | Nov 6, 2023 | 2023, Devotionals
A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Handford “Ain’t Nobody Gonna Tell Me What to Do,” Van Zant sang. Fifty years ago Frank Sinatra sang, “I Did It My Way.” It’s the theme of most of Rock music, and expresses the attitude of our culture today. “I will do what I want...
by Marilou Lyons | Nov 1, 2023 | 2023, Devotionals
A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Events this week have been heart-breaking: another mass shooting, a crisis in the middle east that could engulf our world in flames, our country perhaps more fragmented politically than other time since our...
by Marilou Lyons | Oct 23, 2023 | 2023, Devotionals
A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Recently I enjoyed talking with a group of junior-high girls. In a note of thanks from the group, Jennifer signed herself, “I’m the Unique One.” (Remember your English teacher’s warning? There’s no such thing as...
by Marilou Lyons | Oct 15, 2023 | 2023, Devotionals
A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Handford We buried my son-in-law today. It was a crisp, suddenly cool October day. The Marines folded the flag from his casket with meticulous care, and taps echoed across the low hills. We said “good night, not “good bye,” to...