Cleaning out My Medicine Cabinet

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford The doctor asked me, “Have you had an asthma attack since your last check-up?” “No,” I said glibly. “Haven’t had one probably for the last four years.” “Then you need to check if your emergency inhaler is expired,...

What Kind of Help Do You Really Want?

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Do you want a medical doctor with a good bedside and pleasant personality or one who has the knowledge, the integrity, and the wisdom to tell you honestly what you need to do in a health crisis? Do you vote for a...

Close the Gate!

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford The other day a service man left my backyard gate open. My little dachshund Schatzi could have easily escaped to the vast, threatening world outside if I had not seen it and closed it. It reminded me of a day long...

Sharpening Your Ax

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Handford Odd how reading a passage of Scripture can bring back old memories. This week, I came to Ecclesiastes 10:10 in my daily Bible reading: “Cutting logs with a dull ax makes you work harder. A wise man will sharpen his ax....