The Surprising Cure for My Bad Hair Day

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford My bad-hair day began the day my long-time hair dresser told me she was retiring. And that bad-hair day lasted for several weeks while I desperately shopped to replace her. My kids would tell you my hair-do is not...

This Is My Father’s World

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford “What do you miss most about your home?” I asked a beautiful young college girl, an exchange student from India. “The food,” she answered promptly. “I miss our wonderful food. Especially curry.” I asked a young...

Compromise Isn’t Always Bad

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford As a child in Texas I remember being taught never, ever compromise. (“Remember the Alamo!”) Texans always, always stood for what’s right. And soberly, as an adult, I really do want to stand for what’s right. But the...

Anakin the Dog Is Home Again, So—?

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford For 28 days our “Next door” neighborhood email box was filled with the heart-broken pleas of a woman whose dog Anakin was lost. The owner put up posters everywhere, begged people to pray they’d catch him, and asked...

Because Jesus Did Rise from the Dead

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Was all that suffering of Jesus on the cross in vain? Did He make that sacrifice all for nothing? His followers had believed Him. They had trusted Him to give them eternal life like He’d promised. Was it all a...