God sends His Love

Your Valentine from the God who loves you dearly Too often our concept of God is that He is an angry, unloving despot leaning over the battlements of Heaven, watching us with an eagle eye, hoping to catch us doing something wrong so He can zap us in glee with a 2 X 4...

Remember Who You Belong To

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford I’ve been cleaning out my clothes closet this week and came across the Interim sweater I wore in the days when my husband Walt and I were chaplains for employees and patients at Interim Healthcare in Greenville, SC....

How My Daddy Taught Me to Respect Words

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford In Indiana, mustaches are illegal if the bearer has a tendency to kiss other humans. Why did Kansas pass a law, “If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed”? Obviously,...

My Sister Jessie Is with Jesus

My Sister Jessie Is with Jesus Elizabeth Rice Handford shares comfort in mourning       Photo by Tom Kilpatrick It’s hard for me to tell you I lost my sister and dear friend this week. I was tempted simply to choose a Scripture about Heaven with you,...