What If You’d Never Heard about Christmas?

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford What if you had never ever heard about Christmas? What if you’d never seen a Bible? What if you didn’t know the precious, familiar story that Jesus, God’s only Son, came to earth just so He could bring us to God?...

Today Is a Good and Cold Rainy Day

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford It’s a cold, bleak rainy December morning, and I’m staring out the window. I’m trying to motivate myself to start doing the “eleventeen” things I need to accomplish today. But the sky is so gray, the cold...

What Happened to the Six-Pack in the Fridge?

A Gentle Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford “Endgate! This is endgate!” Ben greeted Walt, his pastor, at the door, waving a beer bottle. “This is the last drink I’ll ever take, I promise,” he said tearfully. The poor man’s wife had called us because her...