A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford

I’m a firm believer in making lists of things I need to do. I’m so good at it that often my lists cover a whole page. And, occasionally, just to make me feel good about checking items off the list, I add the things I’ve already done that morning. It gives me such a good feeling of accomplishment!

You’ll agree that listing the chores I need to do is wise, considering the number of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren I have, and the number of obligations I have toward others. Those obligations are very precious and important to me.

Now I guess you’re going to ask me, “And do you get them all done in a timely manner?”

I do wish you hadn’t asked me that.

The answer is “No, I don’t.” One of the items on my “to do” list has been there all month, and I see no way to get it done this week. That’s why, when I read Psalm 90 this week, I realized I needed to take it to heart.

Here’s what the Prophet Moses wrote:

Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12 niv)

Moses asked God to “teach” him, because we human beings don’t always discern which of our obligations are most truly important and urgent. I need for God to help me learn the real priorities of my life, and then the wisdom to meet them well.

When Moses told us to “number our days aright,” I don’t think he meant for me to guess how many more years I would live. Rather I think he wanted me to consider this day before me, this treasure I will never have again. I have been promised only today.

Does that mean I should never take a day off, never schedule time for personal fulfillment, relaxation, or rest? Certainly not. Remember that our Creator/God Himself “rested” on the seventh day of creation. He commanded us to regularly take days off to rest. The secret is, I think, that we choose intentionally when to work, when to play, when to rest. And that requires wisdom from God.

And that’s what Moses requested of God next in this psalm: “that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” God delights to give us wisdom about how to spend our time, intentionally and gratefully. He can show me if I need to cross off that task I wrote down a month ago, perhaps to delete it permanently. And He can bring to my mind things I hadn’t realized I needed to do.

So today I am asking God to “Teach me to number my days aright.”

x3. Write this week’s devotional