The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Handford My husband Walt was an ardent mountaineer, growing up in Seattle. He and his aged father even did a 3-day backpack into the Three Sisters, peaks each over 10,000 feet in the Cascade Mountains. Walt could walk into a...

When I’m Afraid

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Handford Friends of mine both work for the federal government. During covid, they worked from home, and as soon as they could, they returned to their offices. But the husband is deeply worried now that they might be furloughed....

So Little Time Left to Serve God

A Word of Encouragement with Elizabeth Rice Handford A dear woman who attended my Bible class was diagnosed with brain cancer. She had only a few weeks to live. She was a retired school teacher. She’d come to Christ only two years before. She was too sick to have...


A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford I was already skeptical about the phone call when I heard the man’s British/Indian accent. He said, “You have won a million dollars, and we are ready to send it to you today.” “Sure, and you’ll throw in the Brooklyn...