Not Alone, Yet Still Lonely

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Shortly after my husband Walt retired as pastor of Southside Baptist, he fell from the roof of our home. Distraught, I followed the ambulance to the hospital, not knowing how seriously he was injured. It turned out...

How I Learned Anger Doesn’t Fix Anything

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford So here I am, dressed in my “Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes,” teaching my Sunday school class of young wives. I’m the pastor’s wife, mind you, mother of seven small children, expected to be a paragon of virtue...

One Grey Lady Too Many

A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Grey Lady was a beautiful, purebred yellow-eyed weimaraner given to us by a friend. She was so affectionate, she’d stand on her hind legs, put her big paws on my shoulders and slobber her kisses all over my face....

Have You Prayed for Your President Today?

An earnest request from Elizabeth Rice Handford Have you prayed for your president today? I ask this, not as a Democrat or Republican or an Independent, but as someone who suddenly has realized that as a child of God I’ve been neglecting an important part of my...