Who Gets to Throw the First Rock?

When I was four years old, I decided that by the time I was ten years old, I would be able to be good. I wouldn’t steal the neighbor’s baby rabbit from its cage again. I wouldn’t hide change from the quarter when Mother sent me to the store for a loaf of bread again....

Your Truth, My Truth, or The Truth?

We’re talking about heavy stuff today, heavy but important. Please stick with me, O.K.? Adele Rogers St. John, a cub reporter with Hearst Newspapers, rode one night with an EMS crew to a home in San Francisco. They found a father and mother and several children dead,...

Hang on 15 More Minutes

The air traffic controller could see our future, so he asked, Can You Hang on for Fifteen More Minutes? It should have been a routine flight, late one night as Walt and I were flying back to Greenville in our sturdy little Rockwell Commander. The weather briefing had...