April 26, 2021
Comfort Food for the Soul A Word of Comfort with Elizabeth Rice Handford Yesterday morning our youngest son lost his precious wife to cancer. No matter how long I have been a Christian, and no matter how sure I am that we will see her again in Heaven, I am grieved by...
April 19, 2021
Looking for a Loophole in the Promise You Made? A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Looking for a loophole in the promise you made? You can always find one. A teenager trapped in his automobile after an accident prayed, "God, if you get me out of...
April 12, 2021
Keeping a Promise When It Hurts A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford Way back in the neolithic age (well, really, in the 1950's) in Wheaton, Illinois, I managed a Christian book store for my father. To promote the store, I planned a gala children's...
April 5, 2021
Daddy's Office Door Is Always Open to His Children Thoughts on Jesus' Final Words on the Cross with Elizabeth Rice Handford Margi knew her daddy was a very busy man because lots of people needed him. They called him "Pastor Handford." Mother called him "Walt." But to...
March 29, 2021
Jesus Cried, "It Is Finished!" Thinking About Jesus on the Cross with Elizabeth Rice Handford Looking back over my life, I've tried to remember a time when I could honestly say, "That's done. I did it. Mission accomplished." But I'm having trouble remembering any...
March 22, 2021
When Does a Mother Quit Being a Mother? Thinking about Jesus on the Cross with Elizabeth Rice Handford One evening recently my daughter called me, and I knew at once from her voice that she was very sick. She'd had some complications from cataract surgery, and for two...
March 15, 2021
On the Cross, Jesus Cried, "I Thirst!" A Word of Encouragement from Elizabeth Rice Handford I remember only once being so thirsty I thought I'd die. One Saturday morning I woke up early, already burdened down by the umpteen things I had to get done by 4:00 o'clock....
March 8, 2021
The Baby Jesus and His Mother A Word of Encouragement with Elizabeth Rice Handford about Easter It's hard to imagine how the Lord Jesus, the Creator of the whole universe, could demean Himself to become a little baby. But Philippians 2:6-8 tells us that Jesus came to...
March 3, 2021
The Criminal Who Didn't Deserve Forgiveness A Reminder from Elizabeth Handford that Easter Sunday is coming! He might have been another Jim Jones or Ted Bundy or Timothy McVeigh for all we know, that man hanging on the cross next to Jesus. Whatever crimes...
February 22, 2021
What the Foolish Lost Lamb Didn't Know Thinking about the Cross with Elizabeth Rice Handford All the silly little lamb wanted was a tuft of grass across the gully. She had no intention of getting lost. But another bit of grass just beyond teased her, and then she got...