Does What I Say I Believe Really Shape My Life?

A Sobering Conversation with Elizabeth Rice Handford First surprise in a 2020 Barna poll: 51% of all American adults claimed they believed that the Bible is the only source of absolute truth. They affirmed they make intellectual, emotional, and spiritual life choices...

When Justice and Mercy Kissed Each Other

You’ve got to confess it, I said to myself, desperately, for maybe the thirteenth time. If you don’t, and maybe somebody driving the car has an accident and dies, it will be all your fault. Daddy has to be told. I was sixteen years old. I’d only had my license for a...

God Is Still in Charge

The other day USA TODAY quoted John Kerry, President Biden’s special envoy for climate: “The Arctic is warming at a rate quadruple that of the rest of the planet. . . . We’re already seeing tipping points arrived at.” He added, “We’re also seeing the impacts in floods...

She Did What She Could

The weatherman predicted we’d have 2-5 inches of snow last Saturday night, and the snow arrived right on schedule. My children helped prepare me for the siege, a pantry full of food, extra bread and milk in the fridge, and Dog Chow for little Schatzi. I thought the...

My Sweet Granddaughter Bailee

This morning they called to tell me my youngest grandchild Bailee had died. She was only 25 years old. She came into the world with a genetic flaw that hampered her mentally and physically. You might have thought her birth a tragedy, but you’d have been wrong. Three...