He Just Knew the Bible Was Full of Mistakes

The man sitting next to me on the plane saw me studying my Bible and asked with irritation. “Don’t you know that the Bible is full of mistakes?” We were on a Saturday afternoon flight from Pittsburg to Atlanta. I was coming home from a women’s conference, he from a...

Ruthie’s First (and Last!) Snipe Hunt

The dictionary says, “A snipe hunt is a practical joke in which the victim is left in a remote spot holding a bag for a fictitious snipe to run into.” The entry adds, “It can be a wonderful bonding experience for a father and child.” Uh? Really? It was summer family...

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Our little home on small Shannon Lake seems like paradise to me. My neighbors are caring. The house is warm and easy to care for, but roomy and pleasant when the great-grandchildren visit. And God’s presence is here. My little dachshund Schatzi (her name means...

My Husband Said, “Libby, No!”

A mild admission from Elizabeth Rice Handford Walt and I were standing at dusk in the church parking lot with other church members, enjoying the air before the evening service. Some of the highschool boys were skate-boarding. I was intrigued, so this sixty-year-old...