by Marilou Lyons | Mar 14, 2022 | Devotionals
The dictionary says, “A snipe hunt is a practical joke in which the victim is left in a remote spot holding a bag for a fictitious snipe to run into.” The entry adds, “It can be a wonderful bonding experience for a father and child.” Uh? Really? It was summer family...
by Marilou Lyons | Mar 10, 2022 | Devotionals
Recently I read in a “Dear Abby” column a letter that ran something like this: “Christian friends keep telling us we’ve been blessed by God because we both have wonderful jobs, our children are healthy, and we own a beautiful home. But they’re not blessings from God....
by Marilou Lyons | Feb 28, 2022 | Devotionals
Our little home on small Shannon Lake seems like paradise to me. My neighbors are caring. The house is warm and easy to care for, but roomy and pleasant when the great-grandchildren visit. And God’s presence is here. My little dachshund Schatzi (her name means...
by Marilou Lyons | Feb 22, 2022 | Devotionals
A mild admission from Elizabeth Rice Handford Walt and I were standing at dusk in the church parking lot with other church members, enjoying the air before the evening service. Some of the highschool boys were skate-boarding. I was intrigued, so this sixty-year-old...
by Marilou Lyons | Feb 15, 2022 | Devotionals
A Sobering Conversation with Elizabeth Rice Handford First surprise in a 2020 Barna poll: 51% of all American adults claimed they believed that the Bible is the only source of absolute truth. They affirmed they make intellectual, emotional, and spiritual life choices...
by Marilou Lyons | Feb 7, 2022 | Devotionals
You’ve got to confess it, I said to myself, desperately, for maybe the thirteenth time. If you don’t, and maybe somebody driving the car has an accident and dies, it will be all your fault. Daddy has to be told. I was sixteen years old. I’d only had my license for a...